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<text>Version 1.1, ©1991, Thomas E. Lindsay. All rights reserved.Send your questions and comments to Thomas E. Lindsay,221 North Bartholomew Road, Middletown, Connecticut 06457-4803. If you want a reply, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.You can also respond via GEnie e-mail (T.LINDSAY).••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• An introduction to "a HyperGuide to Caring for your Motorcycle"••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Use the scroll bar to see more —> —> —> —> —> —> —> —> —>•The HyperGuide was developed on an Apple Macintosh® SE and a Macintosh IIx, both running System Version 6.0.3, and using HyperCard® Version 1.2.1. The HyperGuide is compatible with HyperCard Version 2.0.•POWER USER TIP: Using ResEdit®, you can copy the "Tools" ICON resource to your Home Stack and add a button for the HyperGuide on your Home Card (you can copy the button from the lower right-hand corner of this card).•After the HyperGuide's animation stops, click on the "Help" button (the icon with a question mark). The Help card will acquaint you with the buttons that appear on most cards in the stack. When you're finished with the Help card, click on the "Go Back" button in the upper right-hand corner. To see the Help card before you open the HyperGuide, click on the "Show Help Now" button at the bottom of this card. There are other Help cards throughout the stack. On the "Index" card, clicking on the question mark starts a self-running help sequence (it takes less than a minute — kinda cute, I think).•Use the "Find" button to search for a particular word in the stack. Simply click on the "Find" icon, type the word you're looking for, and press RETURN or ENTER. Press RETURN or ENTER again to find the next occurrence of the word.•On each of the maintenance item cards is a button that allows you to export the text from those cards to plain (ASCII) text files. You can open these files with the TeachText application (included with your Macintosh utilities) or with your word processing application (provided it can open ASCII text files). You can export the information on all of the maintenance item cards by clicking on a similar button that appears on the "Index" card. The resulting document will be too large to be opened by TeachText, so you'll have to rely on your word processor. So that you can export the information in this field, a similar button ("Export Intro Text") appears at the bottom of this card.•The HyperGuide includes a "Maintenance Record" section that lets you track the maintenance on your own motorcycle. To be able to make entries in the Maintenance Record, your HyperCard User Level must be set to "Typing" (2) or higher. You set your User Level on the last card in the Home stack (the "User Preferences" card).•I've done my best to make sure that the information in the HyperGuide is current and accurate. I apologize for any incorrect information, and I'd appreciate hearing about errors so I can correct future versions.•The HyperGuide doesn't pretend to be able to turn a shade-tree mechanic (like me) into a certified whiz-bang gearhead, and I know that I haven't covered every possible maintenance situation. When you find something that I've missed, drop me a note and let me know. I'll include it with the next update of this stack.•"Ride safe(ly)!"••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "a HyperGuide to Caring for your Motorcycle" is SHAREWARE. If you like the stack, please send $10.00 US funds ($5.00 for AMA members) to Thomas E. Lindsay 221 North Bartholomew Road Middletown, Connecticut 06457-4803 To get the latest version of the HyperGuide, please enclose $2.00 to cover postage and handling. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••ALSO AVAILABLE: "a HyperGuide to Motorcycle Touring in the Northeast" This HyperCard stack is a simple and entertaining way to learn about motorcycle touring in the northeastern U.S. (New England and New York, that is). It's available as shareware on GEnie, or you can order it by mail. Send $10.00 US funds ($5.00 for AMA members) plus $2.00 postage and handling.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Use of trademarks and product names in the HyperGuide implies noendorsement of the HyperGuide by these corporations and organizations.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• </text>
<text>Sorry, Tom Coradeschi,this field is locked.</text>